
Love, the basis of creation and of redemption, is the basis of true education.

—Ellen G. White, Education, p.16

Adventist education is predicated on the belief that each student is unique and of inestimable value, made in God’s image and endowed with attributes akin to those of the Creator. An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge; it is a balanced development of the whole person.

Adventist students outperform the national average in all subjects and in all grades tested. They also score higher than expected based on testing of their individual abilities.

It's a privilege to be involved in Education—one of the most exciting aspects of the Iowa-Missouri Conference. On a daily basis I am blessed by interacting with the most wonderful students and dedicated educators anywhere.

—Dr. Joe Allision, Education Superintendent

Education Staff

Education Superintendent

Administrative Assistant

Department - Education

Combined Youth Ministries

The Iowa-Missouri Conference operates more than a dozen elementary schools and one high school boarding academy, Sunnydale Academy, where a central focus is helping our young people become invested in the mission of the church around the globe. The Combined Youth Ministries fund supports three major areas of youth ministry—Elementary Education (50%), Sunnydale Academy (25%) and Camp Heritage (25%).

Elementary Education Videos