Camp Meeting 2023

IGNITE: Set Your Faith Ablaze

June 6-10, 2023
Sunnydale Adventist Academy

Click Here to view the Camp Meeting 2023 Program!

We will be live streaming our programs! Please check the IA-MO Youtube page at that time: Camp Meeting Live Stream

Offered Seminars:

2023 Camp Meeting Seminar Program Change

Elder David Lincoln could not make it to teach the Ignite Your Finances for God Seminar. Elder Dean Coridan will be utilizing the same location, days, and times to teach a 3-part class on Revitalizing the Spiritual Life. The location for each of these classes is the Church Conference Room.

Part 1—Thursday, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Revitalizing the Church through Member Visitation. Come and learn some of the simple principles to revitalize the local church by visiting non-members of family members, non-attending members, and refugee and immigrant groups.

Part 2—Friday, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.: Igniting Your Personal Spirituality through Bible Study. How studying through one book of the Bible at a time can revitalize your own spiritual life.

Part 3—Friday, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.: The Dynamics of Family Worship. Family worship is an important and integral part of our walk with Jesus. This class will give you tools to help you with consistent family

  • Bryan Gallant (4 part series): Gold Tried in the FireOffered Thursday 9:00AM and 3:30PM and Friday at 9:00AM and 3:30PM
    • In these last days before the return of Jesus the fires of trial and challenges are heating up. Whether it is death, illness, persecution, or even betrayal our faith is being tested. Come and find ways to ignite your faith amidst the pain as our faithful God walks with us through anything instead of keeping us from the challenges. By His grace we will shine as the gold tried by fire.
  • Hugh Davis (Repeating Seminar): Ignite Your Online Ministry. Offered Thursday 3:30PM and Friday 9:00AM. 
    • Would you say that church is just a few hours of weekly events or a way of life that extends to all 168 hours of the week? It’s time for a revolutionary shift in ministry, as we learn how to connect with people’s souls online. If you’re looking for ways to ignite your church’s evangelism and discipleship efforts, I’d like to show you how to transform your online presence from a mere social media platform to a tool for social ministry.
  • Joe Ikner: Set Ablaze: Transformation through the Holy Spirit. Offered Thursday 9:00AM.
    • How to deepen your faith and live victoriously through the power of the Holy Spirit

6818 Audrain Rd 9139
Centralia, MO 65240

Registration has closed. Please call 515.223.1197 x2100 to check availability.