Members of the Sedalia Church recently made connections with people from all walks of life at the Missouri State Fair.
For two weeks in August they shared the love of Christ with people who passed by their booth, visiting, witnessing, sharing stories, and giving away Bibles, Adventist books and literature.
They brought over 7,300 items that were either purchased by or donated to the church. In total, 117 Bibles, 500 posters, and approximately 4,000 books, tracts and other literature were given away—over 1,500 more than last year. There were over 40 book titles including Redemption at Hacksaw Ridge, The Great Controversy and various other Ellen White books. There were books and literature for children, and information on topics like lifestyle, Pathfinders, Adventist education and more.
A woman who had picked up 12 books from the booth last year stopped by and said she had given them to her Baptist pastor and that, after reading them, he had told her that Ellen White knew what she was talking about. This year, the woman requested 24 books to share with her church family!
May God bless the sparks started with this outreach project. The Sedalia Church feels blessed to have this opportunity each year during the Missouri State Fair.