The Lebanon Church recently launched a campaign to offer their community natural healthcare alternatives to combat the ever-rising costs people incur to maintain health. Two events have so far been held to share simple, inexpensive, God-given natural methods to both prevent and relieve health issues.

Linda and Eddie Clark demonstrate juicing techniques. (Photo: Renee Werth)

At the first, Ron and Carin Lynch from LIGHT Ministries (Lay Institute for Global Health Training) conducted several seminars demonstrating hydrotherapy, massage therapy, natural remedies, and healthy cooking techniques. At the next event, Linda and Eddie Clark from Highway to Health presented a seminar on “Juicing for Health and Healing.” Juicing combinations for various ailments were presented along with information on natural antibiotics, cleansing, herbal remedies, and detoxification regimens. The participants, many of whom had attended the previous event, were once again treated to a variety of samples and a wealth of information.

Attendees of both events expressed gratitude for learning how to prevent or handle health issues naturally and with little expense, and many said they’d attend future classes or seminars if offered. Upcoming events include “Dealing with Allergies Naturally” by Janette Green and “Dinner with the Doctor” featuring Dr. Scott Grivas.