Approximately 20 children came to the Three Angels Church in St. Joseph, Missouri, to learn about the ministry of Jesus during the church’s Sea of Miracles Vacation Bible School that run from July 30 – Aug. 2.

Each night featured a “cast and draw” to emphasize difference aspects of Jesus as:

  • Our Rabbi (we are His followers)
  • Our Healer (we are free)
  • The Son of God (we are brave)
  • The Messiah (we are saved)
  • Our Lord (we are His helpers)

The children played a different game each night to solidify the concept, heard a Bible story relating to the ministry of Jesus, made crafts, and went through a prayer station.

At the end of each night, the kids gathered to sing and share a “catch of the day” and wrote down something they learned on a small paper fish, which they then put in a net around the stage.

The mission focus for this VBS was the MadiDrop tablet. The MadiDrop provides effective disinfection of waterborne pathogens in household water storage containers. One MadiDrop can treat up to 20 liters of water per day for 12 months, or a total of more than 7,000 liters. Each bar costs $5 and we were able to raise over $120 towards this mission project.

The best part of the week, though, was the excitement of the kids. On the first night, a family in our church brought a girl from their neighborhood. This girl had never been to a church before and was nervous about attending. After the program, though, she so was excited that she went home and told her sister and her sister’s friend about it. All three came for the remainder of the event!

Each night at closing, the leader asked for volunteers to pray. This girl desperately wanted to volunteer but confessed she didn’t know how to pray. On the last night, however, she overcame her fear and gave it her best shot!