Students and teachers of Iowa-Missouri Conference schools raised $1,005 during this year’s Give One to Save One campaign, over $300 more than their goal and the largest amount raised in a given year to date.
This marks the fifth year conference schools have participated in Give One to Save One, which encourages every student and teacher to give just $1 each (25 cents per week) during the month of March to support the evangelism offering collected conference-wide on the last Sabbath of the month. Schools turn in their money to the local church and report it to the conference. The goal each year is based on the total number of students and teachers in Iowa-Missouri schools, and this year’s goal was $700.
As part of this year’s Music Festival at Sunnydale Academy in April, students and teachers celebrated their accomplishment and were introduced to David Branson, who was baptized by Pastor Lou Alfalah during an evangelism series at the Sunnydale Church. “We want our students to not only develop a relationship with Jesus and perform well academically, but to have an opportunity to serve others,” shares Dr. Joe Allison, conference superintendent of education. “I wanted the students to see the tangible results of their supporting conference evangelism.”