We had the joy of seeing three people baptized on March 31. The joyous event was made even more memorable because the heater wasn’t working in the baptistry, and it was frigid!
Maryann Bouse studied with church member and neighbor Cherry Jolly after sending in a Bible study interest card. Cherry took part in the It is Written Bible instructor training program over the past year.
Claron “Chub” and Laura Hartman began attending worship services about a year ago and did Bible studies with the pastor. All three are loving and tremendous additions to our church family.
Wyatt Bledsoe has attended church with his parents since he was four years old. He decided it was time to, “wash away his sins, and live a new life in Jesus.” He also requested to be baptized in nearby Truman Lake on May 5. It, too, was a cold but thrilling experience!